Das Thesenpapier hier stellt nur einen Bruchteil des Gesamtwerkes dar, ist aber ein guter Einstieg in die Welt von Hermann Hesses Werk „Unterm Rad“. Ich veröffentliche dieses Thesenpapier, weil viel Zeit und Herzblut darin steckt und es zu schade wäre, jenes sinnfrei auf der Festplatte vor sich hin vegetieren zu lassen. ^^
In the last century, the humanity evolved and discovered a basic knowledge of natural processes as never before. In the 19. and 20. century we formed our basic description of how the world works. Many people of today thought or think, that if we are able to know the constulation of the universe on a Weiterlesen »
Hello, it’s me Paul and today you will be able to understand what voltage is! Voltage, voltage, everywhere and always present ,but what is voltage? Voltage is in fact the differenz between two electrical potentials. In order to understand what electrical potentials are, we make a littel thought experiment. You are on a table and Weiterlesen »
Hello, today I am willing to show you, how circular motion works and I give you an explaination of the processes behind. First of all, you should know what circular motion is! Circular motion -or especially not accelerated circular motion- is a process, which ensures you to move on a radial way. There are two Weiterlesen »